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  • Internship Programs

  • Volunteer Programs


Ecuadorian forests are being lost at an alarming rate, with the advancement of agricultural boundaries, illegal logging and poaching being the major factors. In order to protect and conserve Ecuador’s natural beauty, conservation projects exist that work towards reversing the negative effects of humans, protecting what remains and educating the population about the importance of creating a harmonious existence between humans and wildlife. These conservation projects are grass roots NGO’s that wouldn’t be able to survive without the efforts of volunteers like you that are committed to doing their bit to make positive changes in the world.

Why it's important to volunteer in efforts to preserve the local fauna and flora:


  • Biodiversity conservation: Latin America is home to some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, with a wide variety of flora and fauna. However, many of these species are at risk due to habitat loss, climate change, poaching, and other human activities. By volunteering in conservation efforts, you can help protect these species and their ecosystems for future generations.
  • Education and awareness: Volunteering in conservation efforts can also help raise awareness about the importance of preserving Latin American fauna. You can educate others about the threats facing these species, the role they play in their ecosystems, and what steps can be taken to protect them.
  • Scientific research: Many conservation organizations rely on volunteers to assist with research and data collection. By volunteering in scientific research efforts, you can help gather critical information about endangered species and their habitats, which can be used to inform conservation policies and practices.
  • Volunteering to preserve the local fauna is crucial for protecting these species and their habitats for future generations. By getting involved in conservation efforts, you can make a positive impact on the environment, the community, and yourself.

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    Ecuador Exchange - Exchange and Volunteer Programs

    Exchange & Volunteer Programs